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Купить книгу Private Equity Firms. Their Role in the Formation of Strategic Alliances, автора Kirsten  Burkhardt
Private Equity Firms. Their Role in the Formation of Strategic Alliances
This work analyzes the role of private equity firms (SCIs) in forming strategic alliances in the French private equity market. The subject is important because the formation of alliances and, more generally, the networking of SMEs, could be an alternative to the lack of medium-sized companies in France. For French SCIs, which are increasingly in a competitive situation, assistance in forming alliances for their holdings may represent a new activity and be a source of competitive advantage. The work is positioned transversally, touching the areas of corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance and strategy.
Купить книгу Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis. Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH, автора
Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis. Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH
A comprehensive and timely edition on an emerging new trend in time series Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis: Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH sets a strong foundation, in terms of distribution theory, for the linear model (regression and ANOVA), univariate time series analysis (ARMAX and GARCH), and some multivariate models associated primarily with modeling financial asset returns (copula-based structures and the discrete mixed normal and Laplace). It builds on the author's previous book, Fundamental Statistical Inference: A Computational Approach, which introduced the major concepts of statistical inference. Attention is explicitly paid to application and numeric computation, with examples of Matlab code throughout. The code offers a framework for discussion and illustration of numerics, and shows the mapping from theory to computation. The topic of time series analysis is on firm footing, with numerous textbooks and research journals dedicated to it. With respect to the subject/technology, many chapters in Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis cover firmly entrenched topics (regression and ARMA). Several others are dedicated to very modern methods, as used in empirical finance, asset pricing, risk management, and portfolio optimization, in order to address the severe change in performance of many pension funds, and changes in how fund managers work. Covers traditional time series analysis with new guidelines Provides access to cutting edge topics that are at the forefront of financial econometrics and industry Includes latest developments and topics such as financial returns data, notably also in a multivariate context Written by a leading expert in time series analysis Extensively classroom tested Includes a tutorial on SAS Supplemented with a companion website containing numerous Matlab programs Solutions to most exercises are provided in the book Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis: Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH is suitable for advanced masters students in statistics and quantitative finance, as well as doctoral students in economics and finance. It is also useful for quantitative financial practitioners in large financial institutions and smaller finance outlets.
Купить книгу An Introduction to Envelopes. Dimension Reduction for Efficient Estimation in Multivariate Statistics, автора
An Introduction to Envelopes. Dimension Reduction for Efficient Estimation in Multivariate Statistics
Written by the leading expert in the field, this text reviews the major new developments in envelope models and methods An Introduction to Envelopes provides an overview of the theory and methods of envelopes, a class of procedures for increasing efficiency in multivariate analyses without altering traditional objectives. The author offers a balance between foundations and methodology by integrating illustrative examples that show how envelopes can be used in practice. He discusses how to use envelopes to target selected coefficients and explores predictor envelopes and their connection with partial least squares regression. The book reveals the potential for envelope methodology to improve estimation of a multivariate mean. The text also includes information on how envelopes can be used in generalized linear models, regressions with a matrix-valued response, and reviews work on sparse and Bayesian response envelopes. In addition, the text explores relationships between envelopes and other dimension reduction methods, including canonical correlations, reduced-rank regression, supervised singular value decomposition, sufficient dimension reduction, principal components, and principal fitted components. This important resource: • Offers a text written by the leading expert in this field • Describes groundbreaking work that puts the focus on this burgeoning area of study • Covers the important new developments in the field and highlights the most important directions • Discusses the underlying mathematics and linear algebra • Includes an online companion site with both R and Matlab support Written for researchers and graduate students in multivariate analysis and dimension reduction, as well as practitioners interested in statistical methodology, An Introduction to Envelopes offers the first book on the theory and methods of envelopes.
Купить книгу Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R, автора
Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
This thoroughly updated second edition combines the latest software applications with the benefits of modern resampling techniques Resampling helps students understand the meaning of sampling distributions, sampling variability, P-values, hypothesis tests, and confidence intervals. The second edition of Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R combines modern resampling techniques and mathematical statistics. This book has been classroom-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, uses the powerful and flexible computer language R for data analysis and explores the benefits of modern resampling techniques. This book offers an introduction to permutation tests and bootstrap methods that can serve to motivate classical inference methods. The book strikes a balance between theory, computing, and applications, and the new edition explores additional topics including consulting, paired t test, ANOVA and Google Interview Questions. Throughout the book, new and updated case studies are included representing a diverse range of subjects such as flight delays, birth weights of babies, and telephone company repair times. These illustrate the relevance of the real-world applications of the material. This new edition: • Puts the focus on statistical consulting that emphasizes giving a client an understanding of data and goes beyond typical expectations • Presents new material on topics such as the paired t test, Fisher's Exact Test and the EM algorithm • Offers a new section on «Google Interview Questions» that illustrates statistical thinking • Provides a new chapter on ANOVA • Contains more exercises and updated case studies, data sets, and R code Written for undergraduate students in a mathematical statistics course as well as practitioners and researchers, the second edition of Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R presents a revised and updated guide for applying the most current resampling techniques to mathematical statistics.
Купить книгу Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume 1, автора Thomas  Koshy
Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume 1
Praise for the First Edition “ …beautiful and well worth the reading … with many exercises and a good bibliography, this book will fascinate both students and teachers.” Mathematics Teacher Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume I, Second Edition provides a user-friendly and historical approach to the many fascinating properties of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, which have intrigued amateurs and professionals for centuries. Offering an in-depth study of the topic, this book includes exciting applications that provide many opportunities to explore and experiment. In addition, the book includes a historical survey of the development of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, with biographical sketches of important figures in the field. Each chapter features a wealth of examples, as well as numeric and theoretical exercises that avoid using extensive and time-consuming proofs of theorems. The Second Edition offers new opportunities to illustrate and expand on various problem-solving skills and techniques. In addition, the book features: • A clear, comprehensive introduction to one of the most fascinating topics in mathematics, including links to graph theory, matrices, geometry, the stock market, and the Golden Ratio • Abundant examples, exercises, and properties throughout, with a wide range of difficulty and sophistication • Numeric puzzles based on Fibonacci numbers, as well as popular geometric paradoxes, and a glossary of symbols and fundamental properties from the theory of numbers • A wide range of applications in many disciplines, including architecture, biology, chemistry, electrical engineering, physics, physiology, and neurophysiology The Second Edition is appropriate for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses on the history of mathematics, combinatorics, and number theory. The book is also a valuable resource for undergraduate research courses, independent study projects, and senior/graduate theses, as well as a useful resource for computer scientists, physicists, biologists, and electrical engineers. Thomas Koshy, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Framingham State University in Massachusetts and author of several books and numerous articles on mathematics. His work has been recognized by the Association of American Publishers, and he has received many awards, including the Distinguished Faculty of the Year. Dr. Koshy received his PhD in Algebraic Coding Theory from Boston University. “Anyone who loves mathematical puzzles, number theory, and Fibonacci numbers will treasure this book. Dr. Koshy has compiled Fibonacci lore from diverse sources into one understandable and intriguing volume, [interweaving] a historical flavor into an array of applications.” Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson
Купить книгу What We Cannot Know: Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge, автора
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What We Cannot Know: Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge
‘Brilliant and fascinating. No one is better at making the recondite accessible and exciting’ Bill BrysonBritain’s most famous mathematician takes us to the edge of knowledge to show us what we cannot know.Is the universe infinite?Do we know what happened before the Big Bang?Where is human consciousness located in the brain?And are there more undiscovered particles out there, beyond the Higgs boson?In the modern world, science is king: weekly headlines proclaim the latest scientific breakthroughs and numerous mathematical problems, once indecipherable, have now been solved. But are there limits to what we can discover about our physical universe?In this very personal journey to the edges of knowledge, Marcus du Sautoy investigates how leading experts in fields from quantum physics and cosmology, to sensory perception and neuroscience, have articulated the current lie of the land. In doing so, he travels to the very boundaries of understanding, questioning contradictory stories and consulting cutting edge data.Is it possible that we will one day know everything? Or are there fields of research that will always lie beyond the bounds of human comprehension? And if so, how do we cope with living in a universe where there are things that will forever transcend our understanding?In What We Cannot Know, Marcus du Sautoy leads us on a thought-provoking expedition to the furthest reaches of modern science. Prepare to be taken to the edge of knowledge to find out if there’s anything we truly cannot know.
Купить книгу Математика. Решение задач с параметрами профильного уровня ЕГЭ, автора Г. А. Кузина
Математика. Решение задач с параметрами профильного уровня ЕГЭ
Задачи с параметрами из ЕГЭ требуют знания различных методов их решения. В учебном пособии приведены типовые примеры задач с подробными решениями с использованием графического метода и методов подвижных границ и областей. Ко всем задачам даны ответы или указания к решению.
Купить книгу Квант. Научно-популярный физико-математический журнал. №10/2018, автора
Квант. Научно-популярный физико-математический журнал. №10/2018
Если вы интересуетесь математикой и физикой и любите решать задачи, то вашим другом и помощником станет научно-популярный физико-математический журнал «КВАНТ». Он выходит с 1970 года и рассчитан на школьников старших классов и их учителей, а также на студентов младших курсов.
Купить книгу Математика. Методический журнал для учителей математики. №09/2018, автора
Математика. Методический журнал для учителей математики. №09/2018
«Математика» – методический журнал для учителей математики. До 2017 года он 24 года входил в число периодических изданий Издательского дома «Первое сентября», а теперь издается Московским центром непрерывного математического образования при участии Российской ассоциации учителей математики.
Купить книгу Каникулы с пользой. Летние задачи по занимательной математике, автора
Каникулы с пользой. Летние задачи по занимательной математике
Вместе с директором «Новой школы», преподавателем математики Кириллом Медведевым решали занимательные математические задачки. – Едут два поезда навстречу другу другу каждый со скоростью 50 ка в час, расстояние между ними в данный момент 200 км. Между ними отчаянная муха летает от одного лобового стекла до другого со скоростью 75 км в час. Сколько км пролетит муха до встречи поездов? И много других задач на сообразительность.
Купить книгу Олимпиадные задачи. Математика. Часть 2, автора
Олимпиадные задачи. Математика. Часть 2
Этот час будет интересен всем малышам, которые только собираются в школу; школьникам, которые уже столкнулись с таким увлекательным предметом, как математика и, конечно же, всем взрослым, которые даже спустя годы после школы любят и интересуются этой занимательной дисциплиной! Как математика помогает нам жить? Где в повседневной жизни мы применяем «Теорему Пифагора»? Сколько весит один лист формата А4? Как правильно расчитать проценты в банке и многое другое – мы узнали у нашего эксперта.
Купить книгу Олимпиадные задачи. Математика. Часть 10, автора
Олимпиадные задачи. Математика. Часть 10
«Математика выявляет порядок, симметрию и определённость, а это – важнейшие виды прекрасного», – некогда заявил Аристотель. И, действительно, всем нам хорошо известно, что математика как ничто другое способствует развитию нашего интеллекта, логических способностей, памяти и внимания!